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April 2022 Preparing To Sell Your House? It’s Time To Look At Curb Appeal

Yes, paying attention to this generally overlooked area could increase how much your home sells for by up to 10%.

In This Article:

April 2022 Market Updates for Sellers

With the market being in full swing, more and more listings will continue to hit the market each day. Increased choice gives Buyers a bit of an advantage for sure, however, with the Bank of Canada raising interest rates, Buyers are definitely feeling the heat to get their purchases going sooner rather than later.

We are encouraging Buyers to get their pre-approvals in place ASAP to get locked into an interest rate that works for their family, which also assists in the selling timelines for our Sellers, as a pre-approved Buyer certainly streamlines the financing process!

With the Spring Marketplace remaining competitive, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting Statistics reporting to ensure that you’re positioned the best way possible for the Spring and Summer markets.

If you’re a seller local to the area and wanting to ensure you’re best positioned to sell your home, check out our “List Your Home with Us” section below.

Preparing To Sell Your House? It’s Time To Look At Curb Appeal

So, you’ve done all the hard work prepping the inside of the house for showings. But what about the outside of the house? Mastering curb appeal is key to attracting potential buyers and making a lasting positive first impression. If they like what they see on the outside, it’s more likely that they will want to walk through the door and see what’s on the inside! In this article, we’re going to dive deeper into curb appeal and touch on the following topics:

  1. What is Curb Appeal?
  2. Why is Curb Appeal Important?
  3. The ROI of Curb Appeal
  4. Budget-Friendly Ideas to Boost Curb Appeal
  5. Bonus ? Downloadable Curb Appeal Checklist

What Is Curb Appeal?

In a nutshell, curb appeal is how visually attractive your house is when viewed from the street. While what is considered “attractive” may be highly subjective, things like a well-kept yard, clean paint, and an intact roof can go a long way in creating a welcoming environment for potential buyers. Much like preparing for a showing, you want to aim to please the vast majority when considering how you can improve your house’s curb appeal. We want to provide a clean slate for buyers so they can visualise their own lives in the space.

If you’ve lived in your home for a long time, you’re probably used to all of the little imperfections, and chances are, you might not even notice them. You’re used to that chip in the corner. The crack in the driveway. That flowerbed that hasn’t grown any flowers since last spring. Let this be your reminder to take some time to view your property from an outsider’s perspective. You’ll likely find a few things that can be updated or cleaned to improve the look of your house!

Some examples of ways you can increase your property’s curb appeal include:

  • Landscaping
  • Cleaning
  • Changing the front door
  • Improving the quality of the roof or siding

Don’t worry, we’ll give a nice long list of more examples shortly!

Why Is Curb Appeal Important?

Having good curb appeal is especially important when you’re putting your property on the market. First of all, it can make or break a potential buyer’s first impression of the house. Curb appeal is your chance to market and sell the house from the outside in. Buyers are more likely to be interested in the rest of the house when they like the exterior, which brings them one step closer to making an offer.

Curb appeal can also add value to your property and affect how much a buyer decides to put in their offer. It’s not so much about the amount of money you have put into the property, but rather the perceived value you have created on the property. At the end of the day, you want to make your home as inviting and enticing as possible to appeal to buyers. Nowadays, most homebuyers begin their search for their new home online. An eye-catching picture that shows off your home’s curb appeal can be the difference between a showing and a missed opportunity.

The ROI Of Curb Appeal

A recent study from The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics showed that houses with good curb appeal sell for up to 10% more than similar houses with less appeal. However, the return on investment varies when we break it down by the type of work done on the exterior. For example, homes with landscaping work can have an increased perceived home value by up to 11%, while simply updating your front door can gain a return on investment of over 400%. Alternatively, a replacement roof can provide a huge ROI if you have the time and finances for it. A new roof may cost you a pretty penny, but a study done by Realtor Magazine showed that the return on investment when reselling is over 100%!

Budget-Friendly Ideas to Boost Curb Appeal

  1. Remove clutter and garbage – Let’s start with something nice and simple. Just like how you should clean the interior of your home before showings, the exterior needs to be cleaned as well. Whether it’s garden tools, bikes, leaves, or broken furniture, take the time to tidy up and pick up any clutter at the front of the house. If your home has siding, make sure to clean it with a pressure washer. It can make all the difference! ✨
  2. Clean or repaint the front door – Your front door is the one thing that is almost impossible to ignore every time you walk into the house. And like we mentioned, simply updating the front door can score a big return on investment! The great news is, you don’t need to replace the door entirely. A simple fresh coat of paint can add some life back to the look of your entryway. You can also opt for a bold colour to stand out, but make sure that it compliments the other exterior colours of your home.
  3. Add some light – Lighting is always your friend when it comes to selling your home. Adding some exterior lights can significantly increase your curb appeal, especially if you’re selling in the fall or wintertime. When buying exterior lights, consider the style of your home and where you would like to position them so that your driveway and main pathways are well-lit. You can even check your local second-hand stores to find vintage lighting that matches the style and age of your home.
  4. Replace house numbers – Is your house number faded or broken? It’s time to replace them. New numbers cost as little as $2 per number, making it a simple upgrade with a major impact!
  5. Upgrade the mailbox – If you have an old and shabby mailbox at the front of the house, upgrading to a new one will absolutely boost your curb appeal. The price of a new mailbox sits right around only $20 or so. Just make sure to follow your city and neighbourhood’s regulations for installation.
  6. Landscaping – The landscape of your home is arguably the most important part of curb appeal. Is your lawn full of brown grass and bald spots? Is your flower garden filled with weeds? Take some time (or money if you don’t have a green thumb) to weed the garden, plant new flowers, fill planter boxes, add fresh mulch to the beds, trim the hedges, and mow the lawn. You can also buy ready-made pots of plants at your local home improvement stores to save some time and effort.
  7. Add a seating area – Don’t let your front porch go to waste! Set out some chairs or a bench on your porch or front yard to make it feel more inviting and welcoming to potential homebuyers. This is also a chance for you to add a personal touch to your curb appeal.
  8. Upgrade the walkway and driveway – A power wash, declutter, and de-weeding can instantly change the look of your driveway and walkway. If your driveway is stained or cracked, you may also consider spending a little extra to get it fixed. Not only will it look better, but it will also increase property value and safety.

Bonus Downloadable Curb Appeal Checklist

Enjoy a well deserved bonus for making it to the end of these curb appeal tips! This checklist is sure to keep you organised while preparing your exterior for potential buyers.

Get Your Curb Appeal Checklist Here

Local Upcoming Events

Spring is officially here!! ?If you’re as excited as I am for the changing of seasons, you probably can’t wait to get out, get some fresh air, and explore some of the wonderful things this area has to offer.

A great option for both kids and adults to enjoy throughout the year would definitely be the variety of exhibits taking place at the Grey Roots Museum.

You Can Check Out Their Upcoming Exhibits Here!

Visit for the day, or buy a Membership for the year. A membership grants you access to 5 different museum sites including: Grey Roots, Bruce County Museum, Huron County Museum, Simcoe County Museum & the Region of Waterloo Museum!

If you’re in the Grey / Bruce, ON area and are wanting monthly local event suggestions, sign up for our newsletter here!

List Your Home with Us

If you’re a seller local to the area, or one that resides out of Town and owns a secondary property, and are looking for a credible and reliable team to represent you and get your home listed and sold, our tech savvy, forward-thinking marketing can’t be beat!

We field a ton of calls and emails each day from other real estate agents and consumers regarding our listings, and we are constantly promoting the properties and answering questions, as well as sending out information and media packages.

Our team works around the clock & would love to assist you in getting your home, cottage, or property sold. You can reach out for a free Market Evaluation (linked below). We can consult regarding any staging needed, chat about any work that should be done to the property prior to listing & strategize about how best to position your property in the market price-wise.

Get Your Free Market Evaluation Here

If you loved this blog post or have any suggestions for what we should include in next month’s blog post, shoot us a quick email and let us know!

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